Atom vs Sublime Text

May 20, 2021


As a web developer, having a reliable and efficient text editor is crucial for your productivity. Two popular options are Atom and Sublime Text. In this blog post, we'll compare the two and help you decide which text editor is right for you.


Both Atom and Sublime Text are feature-rich text editors with plugins and extensions that make them extremely customizable. Atom is an open-source text editor developed by GitHub and is known for its ease of use, excellent Git and GitHub integration, and customizable UI.

Sublime Text, on the other hand, is a proprietary text editor known for its speed and responsiveness. It has a huge user community that has developed many plugins and packages that enhance its functionality.

In terms of features, Sublime Text has a slight edge as it has a more extensive collection of plugins and packages than Atom. However, Atom is catching up fast, and given its open-source nature, users have more control over its development.


One of the essential aspects of any text editor is performance. Sublime Text is known for its speed and responsiveness, thanks to its efficient use of memory and resources. It can handle large files with ease and has quick startup times.

In contrast, Atom is known for its sluggishness, especially when working with larger files. It also takes more time to start up, which can be frustrating for some users.

Ease of Use

Atom has a modern, user-friendly interface that makes it easy for users to customize and use. It has a great drag-and-drop feature that makes it easy to rearrange files and tabs. Additionally, its Git and GitHub integration make it easy to manage code and collaborate with others.

Sublime Text, on the other hand, has a more traditional user interface that may take some time for new users to get used to. However, once you get the hang of it, its intuitive keyboard shortcuts make coding a breeze.


Atom is completely free and open-source, which makes it an attractive option for budget-conscious developers. Sublime Text has a free trial but requires a license that costs $80 after the trial period.


Both Atom and Sublime Text are excellent text editors for web developers, and choosing between them comes down to personal preference. If you value speed and responsiveness and have to work with large files, Sublime Text is a better option. However, if you want an open-source, customizable text editor that is easy to use and has excellent Git and GitHub integration, Atom is a better choice.


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